Thursday, July 13, 2006

Much variableness....

Ok, so i'm sure that's not a word, but ya get what i mean?

so, Tuesday, i did my allotted time on the runner... then some extra work, stepper and more running, and all was good, right?

hmm, Wednesday was not such a triumph......

i went to the gym with *E* after work, and something just wasn't...... happening. Grrr!

it was hot.... and i kinda knew this, the weather report said it would get hotter in the evening (not that i believed that!) and i was on the treadmill closest to the open door (my favourite, dunno why, but routine counts me thinks!).

There was noooooo breeze at all, not one puff of cool air at all......... weird, cos my gym is virtually on the shore... always breezy!

so i got hot! very hot! and it wasn't comfortable, so it didn't happen.

i ran 10 mins at 6.5mph, but then was toooooo hot!

so i walked for a bit, ran a bit more, but couldn't get a comfy pace, so i steppered on the stepper machine (cross trainer whatname) for 30mins... hmph!

but today.... yay! go me!

i ran my 12 mins at 6.2mph, walked for 4 mins on incline 7 at 4.0mph, then ran another 7 mins at 5.9mph.... then steppered some serious steps for 30 mins........ then walked another 10 mins at incline 7, and 4mph as my cool down-ish.

pretty good considering it was still hot (how dumb is it to have a gym in a conservatory?!?)

think tomorrow i'll do some quadracep work, give my lower legs a break! they say a good way to improve quadracep strength is retro running... hmm.... odd!

on a musical note.. (hehe!) the new muse album is fab.... the new snow patrol album is fab and i'm thinking the new soul asylum album is pretty good too....

anywho, tata, *H*


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