Monday, July 17, 2006

weekend fun! soooo bad!

Hey, hey! such a fun weekend, tho calorie counting went a bit out the window, boo hiss! but it was fun!

friday: went to my gym, a bit late (an hour before closing) and got the evil eye from the staff who i assume wanted to go home early. (working in retail i completely understand... people who shop 5 minutes before we close annoy me sooooo much, especially when its been quiet all day!)

but, i needed to get my quadracep work in, which i did, but after some running (2miles, 22:23). the stepper machine has a setting for quadracep, which you do backwards (retro-stepping! hehe!) I stepped for 30mins, and really felt it too! On saturday i was riding my bike and my legs felt so weak! eek! i guess its recovery time!

Anyway, saturday i went out for a birthday celebration (not mine!)..... mainly sitting in beer-gardens in a town quite close to me... on the seafront. The town is so pretty, with parks and planted areas, i guess i should have taken some photos to post! It was a pub crawl so i there was some (limited) exercise to be had... and i had cycled there. I mainly stuck to bacardi and diet coke (52 cals/per shot) but also had three pints of cider and black (250cals/pint) and a sambuca (no idea!/per shot) The evening was rounded off by some dancing in my second favourite club... an alternative/rocky place. It was an excellent night, and gave me the chance to catch up with friends, hurrah!

Sunday: got up earlyish, wandered to Starbucks for lunch (a bit of a Sunday ritual for *E* and I), then walked along the seafront, was such a beautiful day again, very warm, sooo sunny! it was great! I think *E* and I must of walked for a good 5 hours. We were definately exhausted when we got home again! So i'm hoping that made up for Saturday night a bit! *crosses fingers*

Its another hot day today.... so will either go to the gym later today, or this evening if its cooler, or go for a run outdoors, not sure yet!

Tata, Have fun! *H*


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