Friday, August 04, 2006

Yay! i figured out the linky bit! (Other Blogs part I)

wow, computer stuff is simultaneously very confusing, and very simple... not sure how that works, but hey!

now i can send you off to random sites so that you can see the blogs that inspired me to start blogging! They are mostly sporty-type ones, but some are completely non-sport related! such as today's.....

i'm gonna try to post these in the order that i started reading them, so if you wanna see if yours is one of them, you'd better keep checking back!

Ok, so the first blog ( is written by a gal called Chika, who is based in Japan, but seems to travel for most of the year (lucky, lucky, lucky!) This year i think she has been to Hawaii, Australia and good old England. I found this post while looking for a recipe... you can guess by the title that she blogs mostly about food.... and i was impressed by her photos. Wow! the things she makes not only sound yummy, but they look yummy too! Her photos are amazing!

Chika is a busy woman.... so blogs tend to be sporadic, but defo worth the wait... plus if you read Japanese, she writes more regularly at .

well, i'm off for now, things to do before the gym!

TaTa *H*


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