Sunday, November 12, 2006

Apparently, my time-keeping sucks!

Well, in my very first post i said I'd post AT LEAST every week (erm... yeah). I had this crazy vision of me being super-dooper organised, and having a proper schedule for my life.... mainly university, running, socialising and ahem, work.

The first week of October was the first official week of my final year at uni... and crikey! They said it would be "busy" .... they said "not to work mega hard in the second year for fear of burning out in the third".... they said "try not to have paid employment in the third year, you don't have time." Yeah, didn't believe them. Hmph! I knew it would be hard, and i knew the work load would increase. I didn't know that that meant reading from the moment i wake until the moment i sleep. I actually think that its not physically possible to fit in just the required reading, let alone any extra reading! Though i am not complaining..... i am thankful for the opportunity to be at uni. I'm definitely enjoying it, even tho it's tough going. I love learning new things!

Right, now for the real fun stuff. Although, not so much. Running! I have had a stoopid amount of injuries/illness which has stopped me running. I mean, i have done some running, but it hasn't been consistent. The first ridiculous thing was i somehow did something to my quads that made it painful to walk downstairs..... not upstairs or on the flat..... just going downstairs, and slopes. i don't get it. Stopped me running for about a week for fear of making it worse. If any proper runners read this... can you explain this, please! Don't know what caused it, but don't want it again!

Then i finally caught "fresher's flu".... about two weeks after the fresher's arrived. I also pulled some strange muscle in my neck, so couldn't turn my head to the right. Just walking to the shops hurt (I thought walking would be better than running... i needed to get some exercise). When i got to the shop i found my right arm had also been affected.... i couldn't pick up a pack of vegetables, my arm was too weak. that was worrying, but it went away after 48 hours.

Then i scraped both of my knees on a night out. The less said about that the better i think! One of the scrapes took ages to heal, which didn't stop me running, but when i ran i found my knees were bruised and sore so took another little break. tsk!

I have managed to fit in a few runs, nothing amazing, but during all this palaver i managed to make a 5K in 32:02. Hurrah! just watch them seconds falling away!

Over the last few days i've really buckled down and sorted quite a bit of uni work out, so i am planning on fitting in at least 3 gym sessions this week. Really need to do something... i feel horrible if i dont run, although i do walk or bike everyday.

As for socialising, i went to the Fresher's school disco... Dressed in school uniform, naturally. I went to a Pirate Party, organised by the Rock Society, dressed as a pirate. Arrrgh, dancing on a boat to rock music Arrrgh! And i went to a Halloween event... to a nightclub on a pier... dressed as a witch because i couldn't find my cat tail.... which is good because there were soooo many girls dressed like cats this year. Before all of these events i managed to finish work due so i even managed to enjoy myself, hurrah!

Ooh, and on the work front.... i handed in my notice! Eeek! For me this is very scary because i have worked ever since leaving school, even if only part time while at college, then full time when i left college, and back to part time while at uni. Not sure how not working is going to be. I really need to focus all my efforts for the next 8 months on getting the best degree i can.

Ok, a brief catch-up,
