Monday, January 14, 2008


I went!

I psyched myself up, got all dressed and trundled down to the gym all ready for the 2.30pm induction session on Sunday..... it was great, no rain, a nice walk through the park, then i was there! yay!

but the induction guy had "gone home for personal reasons". Fine! No problem!

"The next sessions are at 6.15pm Mon-Fri."

"hmm, okay, i cant make that (work) I'll come back next Saturday"

"ooh, actually there is one set for 7.30pm tomorrow"

"excellent, can i book onto that one please?"

and that is how the gym gods smiled on me on Sunday.....

today (Monday)

a twenty minute walk down dark streets (park was locked for the night) and it was raining.

this is how the gym gods chuckle at my expense! hehe!

Anyway, it was cool, the induction guy was a little "straight forward", but when i asked a question at the end he seemed friendly enough. hehehe, new-gym-phobia solved!




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