Sunday, September 24, 2006

Quick update, very busy!

Hey! Guess what.... i ran 5K in 32:19...... which is a whole 16 seconds quicker than normal..... ooh, feel the excitement. Yeah, i know..... still slow, haha! I tried several 7mph sections.... which felt quite good, for about 2 mins!, I found that i needed to slow down a lot before getting back to my normal 5.8mph. Hence why overall it only helped by 16 seconds. But it was fab to watch the miles increasing more quickly!

I got three runs in this week, all 5k.... and would have got one more done on Friday, had it not of been for the monsoon-like weather, which i was totally unprepared for.... no coat, no umbrella (which would have been useless cos i was on my bike!). So, when i got home from uni i was literally completely soaked.... all of my clothes.... including my underwear! a stoopid amount of rain. I stood in my hallway and stripped, found dry clothes and mopped up the puddle of rainwater. I just didn't want to go back outside again, so skipped the gym. Boo hiss!

At university I'm still doing the bacteria time course...... so lots of spread plating.... and thankfully no more fires like last week! My only hiccup this week was due to my poor concentration while making an agar media to make the plates. I use a type of media that needs slightly more added agar to make it a lil firmer. I made two bottles.... and put double extra agar in one, and none in the other..... which i didn't realise until i took the bottles from the autoclave... and one was an amber colour.... which is far darker than it should be. My lovely technician said to use it anyway.... so i have 20 plates of too soft agar (should be fun trying to spread bacteria on them!) and 20 plates of super-firm agar. Jeez! Thankfully i'm only at the practicing stage!

So, thinking about swimming this week.... eek! me, in a swimsuit, in public, oh lordy! It's been about 2 years since i last went swimming, and i'm weirdly nervous about it! Ah well, it can't be that bad, i'm sure!

TaTa, *H*


Blogger Fe-lady said...

Congrats on your 5k time! I like that your profile says you will be the "mad woman with cats"....I take in strays (cats that is...but it's better than taking in stray men, which is what I used to do!)
Happy training and schooling and swimming!
(Who cares if the 16 year old lifeguard sees you in a swimsuit...he doesn't count anyway!)

3:12 pm  

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