Sunday, August 27, 2006

Phew! What a weekend!

Busy, busy, busy!

Well, Friday, I went into work (as I was working all day it meant I couldn't go to the gym, which cos its a small independent gym only opens 8.30am to 4pm on a Friday. Yeah, I know. Madness.) to find that Big Boss Man had visited the store, just his own Big Boss Man did not accompany him. Thank Goodness we stayed behind to make the store Magritte-esque! We got 96% in our store evaluation, hurrah!

Actually had a lot of fun at work on Friday... not only was there a lotta work to be done (makes the day pass more quickly) but also the customers were fun for a change too... not one of them was rude or in a bad fact some of the blokes were quite flirty... must be something to do with the sunshine, and the area where the shop is has a lot of passing trade from the lucky people who finish at 3pm on a Friday, oh, and it was pay-day!

Walked to work on Saturday (about 35mins, at 4.0ish mph) , because again, the gym isn't open on weekends. pah! So also walked home. Hate not doing exercise of some kind everyday. Even walking makes me feel better. Stopped off at the supermarket on the way home, and saw the guy *GG* that I've kinda had a crush on for a decade. He waved at me. I waved back. it was all very nerdy. made me smile tho. Then I talked to *GFS* a guy that everyone in my town knows, because he is unique (hmm, that sounds better than it is!).

But all the excitement was saved for today when I found out my friend *L* is pregnant! Yay! so excited for her! She's done everything the "right" way too..... went to uni.... got a career.... got married.... and is now having a baby. Fab! Well done *L*!

So, *E* comes back from Reading Festival tomorrow... hopefully with some fab photos that I can post. Think Tuesday will be spent shopping and at the gym... yay! We can finally get some running done! Oh yeah, and Starbucks, hehe!



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