Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Much weirdness with the moisturiser

Hmm, I tested a new moisturiser on my face last night.

woke up this morning.....

much weirdness!

like I'd painted a fine layer of PVC school glue over my face, I have a strange peely mask thing.

that's NOT supposed to happen

Don't like it. Well... peeling it off is quite fun..... but can't be doing with this every morning! Jeez!

back to Olay. tsk!

Anyhow, on the running front! Oh my word, I love!

so, Thursday I ran 3.15miles, yeah? yeah! and was so excited! Friday, I ran.... got to 0.5 miles and needed the loo, but kept goin till 2.0 miles, when, y'know, really needed the loo (damn the squash I drank!) and thought it was a sensible place to pause. Then ran the extra 1.1miles to make the 5K. There is dispute in the house about whether this counts or not..... I say not... *E* says it counts cos it's not like I stopped for a cup of tea and a magazine, I stopped cos I needed to stop for a good reason! I see her point, but I don't think on such a short run it counts.

Monday: *E* came to the gym with me. I soooooo wasn't in the mood for running, but went anyway. Even when I stood on the treadmill I thought, "nope, don't wanna" but I did. Ran for 2.85 miles (forgot my time) cos *E* wanted to up it from 2.7 but didn't want to stress her knee out.... think she's gonna need to get a support brace..... so we going for a slow increase each time she runs with me.

*Timewarp*: back to Thursday. Went out Thursday night with my brother *J* and my Dad for my Dad's belated birthday celebration. Went to an all-you-can-eat Indian restaurant. Normally I don't like this type of restaurant cos it puts a weird psychological pressure on me to eat too much (the more you eat, the more economical it is!), and with Indian food its a nightmare, cos its sooooo nice but sooooo bad for me! The only genius thing about it is its self-serve, and laid out in a canteen style, so you get to have a lil bit of several different dishes. Magic. So, managed to control myself relatively.... and dessert there is good.... fruit, jelly, and suspicious rice-pudding, which looks like tuna-mayo, but tastes yummy.

Saturday was also party day.... this time my niece's 4th birthday party... within 2 minutes of arriving I had jam on my jeans from sticky hugs from her. I managed to arrive after most of the kids had gone home (I had work, I swear!) so it was fairly quiet, thank goodness! I cannot believe my niece is four already. Makes me feel old! My sister-in-law is looking fab cos she's been on the Lighter Life programme, which combines (in my view) a seriously low low-cal diet, with therapy sessions so that you learn about your relationship with food. Part of me thinks its a bit quackery, but the results she has achieved are amazing, and I guess if it works.....

Sunday: went to a different town to the one that we normally venture out to on a Sunday. The one we normally visit means *E* and I can get in 45 minutes of walking to and from it, plus walking around it, which means we get exercise as well as having fun shopping (genius!). This other town is 6 miles away in the other direction, which would take 1.5 hours in each direction, and considering the shops only open 10am(or 11am)-4pm it seemed like too far to walk, so we caught the bus (£3.25 return each, Holy Cow! Maybe we should have walked....)

Therefore after watching Dirty Dancing on DVD when we came home, we did an exercise video (Rosemary Conley: Shape up and salsacise!). *I really must point out that Rosemary is a star when it comes to weightloss... her really easy plan of low-fat food, calorie limits and recommended exercise have helped me lose and maintain my weight for ages now* BUT.... think *E* and I have got to a fitness level past her DVD range... when she said happily "now you're in the real fat burning zone" *E* and I glanced at each other and said "don't think so".... and this was after doing the first two sessions back to back, and literally jumping the moves. Pants. So we're going to try a Nell McAndrew DVD.... she's a fitness demon!

Anywho, back to real-time.... Its Tuesday, and I have tons of jobs to do today....I really want to fit in the gym too (who am I trying to kid?!... in reality it's my priority!). *E* has gone to Chichester shopping with her mum, so i'll be on my lonesome, probably distracting myself with the "in my pants" game.

*I will get better*
TaTa *H*


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