Monday, August 14, 2006

The weekend blunder...

Thinking this weekend might lead to a bit of a set-back!

Friday: Out for uni-friend's brother's birthday.... mucho fun.... mucho drinks..... oh dear! does two hours of dancing equal out so many alco-calories?! i hope so.....

Anyway, during the night *E* and i were talking to one of the guys there (an army-guy), and i mentioned the possibility of triathalons in the future (obviously I'm not quite ready yet!!!!) and they both laughed(!) and said only crazy fit people (like pro-fit) do them (which, y'know, i get you have to be fit... but i read blogs of people who have families, hold down full-time jobs and what-not and still find time to train and compete.... its not like its not possible) and it got me thinking.... how many people would do this kind of thing if only they hadn't convinced themselves its not possible?! Its not like I'd win or anything, but i think it'd be fun! What's wrong with ambition?!

Saturday: well, didn't get home till 3am... So slept till 9am..... threw my whole day out. I'm a slave to routine apparently! Who knew?! Got not much done (and there was a whole list of to-do's, bother!) didn't get my bike sorted either.... Guess that's today's job! Did go for a longish walk tho, just to get my body moving! Was meant to go to the cinema in the evening, but was too tired to stay awake for a whole film!

Sunday: up at 5.30am discussing with my friend *P* whether we should do a car-boot sale in the rain or not.... decided not.... people don't tend to buy when its raining, and our stuff would get wet! Went back to sleep till 9am (dammit- routine out again!) *E* and I met up with *P* for lunch and shopping (so far so good) then we visited our old regular pub which has been re-furbed.... (this is where it goes downhill). Had a coupla drinks.... then went for a pub-meal (oh, pants... pasta in white wine sauce, and garlic bread... no, no, no, no, no! And pudding ...nooooo!)

so, this week: focusing on trying to burn off the ridiculous amount of calories consumed over the weekend. Grr! So bad!

TaTa *H*


Blogger mouse said...

I think it's ridiculous that they laughed at you for suggesting a tri. "normal" people do them all the freaking time! and I agree, they do sound like a lot of fun... If I could just pick up the whole "cycling" aspect of it...

8:01 pm  

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