Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Stock take.... the Trilogy

Yesterday morning at this time the store was half way through stock take... why oh why can't we have an evening stocktake like other stores? why 7am start? grr! hehe!

anyway, it was a good result.... leading to a lil bonus in everyone's pay-packet! hurrah!

worked till 2pm, then set off for the gym.... got to gym... realised i'd left my shorts at work.... rode back to work to get them and got back to the gym 35 minutes after i wanted to be there originally... boo hiss! *E*, needless to say, had done her 2.5 miles in that time... which meant i was *obliged* to do 2.5 again too. Motivation!

i did it... i tried not to look at the counter (which i find helps) but looked at 1.59 minutes.... 1.10 miles, 1.23, 1.43, 1.71, 1.93, 2.0, 2.25, 2.30 (legs started really aching at this point!) and 2.45-2.50 miles. so the not looking worked well. not.

hmm, wonder what i'll manage tonight?! *I will get good*

woke up with the same killer headache i had last night.... probably dehydration from the warm overnight weather, so i'm drinking some squash to make it go away.

TaTa *H*


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