Thursday, August 10, 2006

I've been soooo good!

Wednesday: went to the gym with *E* and yet again ran 2.5 miles. hurrah! *E* ran 2 cos she's having trouble with her knee.... Maybe needs one of those tube support things.....

Thursday: went to the gym on my own (*E* wanted to rest her knee, wise girl!) was worried that I wouldn't have the motivation to run on my own for that long.... much easier when there is some one to gasp-chit-chat to. But I ran 2.5miles (25.54minutes) although at 2.30miles I thought my legs were made of lead.

Think I'll try for 2.5miles tomorrow, and all next week and see if I can increase it the week after that. Half the battle is not looking at the counter..... madness!

maybe *E* and I will be ready for a 5K sometime in October. I think we could safely do it now, but we really don't want to be last, even though just finishing would be a triumph. Last would bring us down!

on a university note: My project supervisor is back from his jolly holidays and has deigned to e-mail me suggesting a meeting next Wednesday morning. I emailed back saying "I'm there!". Playing it cool, as ever! I know! but I can't help it, I wanna know what's going on, and I've waited 9 whole weeks now! how patient am I?! Well, very actually!

hmm, I should really grab *E*'s camera so I can show you my sports bra injuries..... On my shoulder and back, you wierdos!

Anyway, TaTa *H*


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